Forgiveness & Ancestral Healing in Frankfurt
Workshop Hours
- Fri May 09th 2025, 01.00 pm - 07.00 pm
- Sat May 10th 2025, 10.00 am - 07.00 pm
- Sun May 11th 2025, 10.00 am - 05.00 pm
More info
- Event Aufzeichnung: NEIN
- Event recording: YES
- incl. recording for 14 days
- Language: English with German translation
Chuck Spezzano

Building Bridges to Peace & Reconciliation
For Chuck Spezzano, PhD, forgiveness and ancestral healing are central elements of his work in the *Psychology of Vision*. Forgiveness is described as a core process that can heal not only individual, but also family and collective burdens. He sees forgiveness as a liberating act that can dissolve energetic bonds and unresolved traumas that are often unconsciously passed on from generation to generation. In this workshop, past conflicts and deep-seated feelings of guilt are identified and transformed. This applies both to personal experiences and to unresolved “karmic” patterns within the family history.
The American psychologist is using in his work a combination of psychology, spiritual methods and therapeutic rituals to recognize and heal family and ancestral patterns. You will learn in these 3 days step by step how to forgive yourself and your ancestors. This process work enables you to break the “karmic patterns” and create new freedom in your life, with an incomparably intense and transformative effect.
Healing your family patterns has not only personal, but also societal and even global implications. For Chuck feels this an obligation for himself and a unique opportunity for the participants of this workshop to promote not only individual but also collective healing through forgiveness and thus contributing to a more peaceful world.
The reason for holding this workshop in Germany exactly 80 years after the end of World War II is the signing of the peace treaty on May 8th.
An international online event will be held that evening before the 3 day workshop starts.
Various well-known organizations and individuals will be taking part. More information will follow in short time!
Find out how you can:
- forgive and let go of the unforgivable
- overcome trauma, guilt and hatred
- free yourself from problems and other obstacles
- change the world by changing your thoughts
- live the power of your purpose and how to find it
- be happy – despite everything!
100 Days & Mastery Program: 240 Euro
Places for these participants are limited!
Please contact kontakt@frankfurter-ring.de

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